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Student Life Services
students in library

Academic Success

Your home for academic and personal resources at UT Arlington. Stop by to meet with an advisor or set a tutoring appointment - all in one convenient location in the heart of campus.

eta students dressed in business casual clothes

Career Development Center

Prepares you as a student and as an alumni for professional success. The Career Development Center creates connections with future employers through innovative programs and events including mock interviews, job fairs, one-on-one appointments, Career Spot drop-ins, the mentoring program called MavMentors, networking nights, and more.

Graduate Student evelyn wang working in a lab

Graduate Studies

You’re putting a lot of effort into going to the next level. The least we can do is assist you with writing, teaching, research, thesis and dissertation work, and preparing for the perfect career.

Student getting help from the OIT help desk in the UC

Office of Information Technology

We can help you manage your accounts and passwords. We provide training sessions, orientations, and workshops. We maintain more than 500 computers in nine computer labs on campus, bringing access to the entire UTA community.